Research Participants Needed
Researchers at Teesside University are looking for participants for a study about how chronic pain can affect the perception of facially expressed emotions
Who can take part?
- You are 18 years or over
- You are able to communicate in the English language
- We are looking for people with and without chronic pain to take part
What does taking part involve?
This is an online study that you can take part in from your computer or tablet. You will be asked to complete two psychological tasks which involve being presented with images of human faces. You will also be asked to complete two questionnaires. The study takes no more than 30 minutes.
Click on the link below to access the study. Participants have the option to be entered into a prize draw for an Amazon gift voucher of up to £50. You can contact for more information.
This study has received research ethics approval from both Teesside University and the NHS – Health Research Authority (HRA ID 338125). It is being conducted by Abraham Lomeña-Calero, a trainee Clinical Psychologist at Teesside University.Thanks for reading!
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